• | 6:39 pm

Tarun Jha moves on from Havas India

Jha had joined Havas Worldwide India just an year ago after spending 15 years in Skoda

Tarun Jha moves on from Havas India
[Source photo: Chetan Jha/Press Insider]

Tarun Jha has exited Havas Worldwide India as chief executive officer a year after taking over the role, the company said.

Jha, who joined Havas after a 15-year stint with Skoda, has not disclosed his plans yet. He joined Havas in March last year and reported to Rana Barua, group CEO of Havas India, Southeast Asia, and North Asia, that covers Japan and South Korea.

Jha improved creative direction and processes, assembled the leadership team, and contributed to the company’s growth through successful client acquisition.

Barua said Jha had laid a solid foundation for the agency and fostered a capable second-tier leadership team.

“Tarun was an intrinsic part of the team, playing a key role in establishing a robust foundation for Havas Worldwide India. He actively contributed to important discussions and helped in putting together a strong and capable second line of leaders. I wish him all the best for the next chapter,” Barua said.

Jha said his stint at Havas was a transformative and enlightening experience, praising the ‘One Havas’ philosophy for its emphasis on collaboration across the agency’s many divisions.

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