• | 6:39 pm

Just 14% Indian employees ‘thrive’ at work, shows study

Only 32% Indian workers are “engaged” in their work, says Gallup's latest State of the Global Workplace report

Just 14% Indian employees ‘thrive’ at work, shows study
[Source photo: Chetan Jha/Press Insider]
Just 14% of Indian workers reported feeling like they are “thriving” in their work life, according to a Gallup report, which also pointed out that only 32% of Indians feel “engaged” in their work.
The Gallup 2024 State of the Global Workplace report paints a grim picture of overall well-being of Indian workers.
“I am getting a salary from this work. So, I have to do it, but there is a bit of boredom in doing the same work every day,”  an Indian marketing supervisor quoted in the study said.
“Struggling” workers experienced daily stress and even financial concerns, while the “suffering” employees included those that faced hardship and lacked basic necessities.
About 86% of the Indian employees surveyed fell into these last two categories.
The trend extended across the South Asian region, with only 15% of the workers reporting their work experience as “thriving.”
In comparison, employee well-being in Australia and New Zealand was much better, as about 60% Australian workers and 57% New Zealanders reported that they were “thriving.”
In its Daily Negative Emotions Index, the report shared data about the emotions experienced during the course of the day by an employee.
“Gallup estimates that low employee engagement costs the global economy US$8.9 trillion, or 9% of global GDP,” said the report.
The Gallup report used its Life Evaluation Index to categorize workers into three groups based on their outlook on life in the workplace: thriving, struggling, or suffering.
Those that felt positive about their workplace situations and future prospects were classified as “thriving.”
“The global workplace can play a significant role in addressing the world’s mental health crisis. As detailed in this year’s report, changing how we manage people is critical for reducing stress at work and in life,” Jon Clifton, CEO of Gallup, wrote in the report.

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