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Singapore sees surge in Indian tourist arrivals post-pandemic

Recent data reveals that India is one of the fastest-growing tourist markets for Singapore post-pandemic

Singapore sees surge in Indian tourist arrivals post-pandemic
[Source photo: Chetan Jha/Press Insider]

Indian visitor arrivals to Singapore have surged 15.5% in 2023, making India one of the fastest-growing tourist markets for the city-state, government data has revealed. 

According to an industry survey, Indian travelers are also among the highest spenders worldwide.

Indian travelers are drawn not only to Singapore’s new attractions but also to the cultural and heritage connections they find, making them feel at home, Mark Shaw, Chairman of Orchard Road Business Association, noted. 

“India’s burgeoning middle class and their increasing desire to explore the world bodes well for Singapore and for Orchard Road, one of the top choices for Indian tourists, especially as younger generations of Indian travelers seek fresh and varied experiences,” said Shaw.

With Deepavali on 12 November and Christmas in December, Singapore expects more Indian tourists in the upcoming months. 

“We are confident that members of Orchard Road Business Association will be able to delight them with a wide range of interesting and innovative product and service offerings,” added Shaw. 

The 2022 data from India’s ministry of home affairs’ bureau of immigration (BoI) says that there has been a spike of 137% in the number of foreign travelers as compared to last year, globally, and that more than 18 million Indians traveled to foreign countries between January and November of 2022. But the numbers are still yet to reach the pre-pandemic range of 25-26 million. 

In the past year, India has also climbed to the third position among international visitors to the United States, a significant improvement from its eighth-place ranking in 2019. It’s important to note that these statistics exclude travelers from neighboring Canada and Mexico, Reuters reported in June.

Flight reservations from India to the United States for the final quarter of 2023 have also observed a surge of 26% compared to the pre-pandemic levels, according to travel data firm ForwardKeys.

The term ‘revenge travel’ was popularized on social media in the post-pandemic era, as borders opened up and avid travelers who were previously holed up in their homes got the chance to go on vacations. 

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