• | 2:39 pm

Subianto set to win Indonesia presidential race

Quick poll result predict Subianto-Gibran may winning 58% of votes in Indonesian Presidential elections conducted on 14 February

Subianto set to win Indonesia presidential race
[Source photo: Chetan Jha/Press Insider]

Incumbent defense minister and former army general Prabowo Subianto looked set to win the Indonesia presidential election, an early survey of voting showed. 

Prabowo, 72, declared victory as he met supporters after polling samples or quick count results showed him winning 58% of the votes in the first round of presidential elections. 

“This victory is victory for all Indonesians,” said Prabowo, according to BBC

“Even though we should be grateful, we must not be arrogant, not euphoric, remain humble; this victory must be a victory for all the people of Indonesia,” he added. 

Outgoing president Joko Widodo extended congratulations to Subianto, who had roped in the president’s eldest son—Gibran Rakabuming Raka—as his running mate. 

Raka thanked Subianto for providing space for young people like him, reported Indonesian online news portal Liputan 6

Currently serving as the mayor of Surakarta in the Central Java region of Indonesia, Raka will become the youngest vice president in Indonesia’s history.

The publication reported that Subianto’s rivals, former Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan (54) and former Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo (55), are likely to win 25% and 17% votes in the first round, as per the pre-election surveys. 

The official results are expected to be announced on 20 March and the new president will assume office in October. 

In an article published on India-Indonesia bilateral relations, Press Insider mentioned The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) report published in December last year that with implicit support from Jokowi, Subianto was expected to win eventually.

The EIU report on the outcome in polls to nine Asian parliaments had, however, predicted a run-off presidential election in Indonesia in mid-2024 but going by the quick poll, such a possibility seems rare.

According to the Indonesian news agency Antara, the election may proceed to a runoff on 26 June if no candidate secures more than 50% of the popular votes nationwide and at least 20% in more than half of the provinces in Indonesia or 20 provinces to win the race. 

Speaking to reporters on Thursday at the Indonesian International Motor event, Widodo, popularly known as Jokowi, informed the media that he had congratulated Subianto after the quick count results were released.

“I have, in person last night,” the president said. 

Indonesian news agency Antara reported that more than 204 million Indonesian voters cast their votes on Wednesday to elect their president and vice president, in addition to members of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI), Regional Representatives Council (DPD), and regional legislatures (DPRD) at the provincial city and the district level. 

The General Election Commission (KPU) handles presidential elections.

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