• | 4:30 pm

US tops most powerful militaries list, India at 4th

India is placed just above the UK and Japan in the latest Global Firepower's military strength rankings

US tops most powerful militaries list, India at 4th
[Source photo: Chetan Jha/Press Insider]

India stands at fourth place in a ranking of the world’s most powerful militaries in a list that is topped by the US and followed by Russia and China.

India is placed just above the UK and Japan in the Global Firepower’s (GFP’s) military strength rankings for 2024, which has assessed the armies of 145 countries on about 60 parameters, including military equipment, troop size, financial stability, geographic location, and logistical resources.

The GFP said its rankings are based on each nation’s “potential war-making capability across land, sea, and air fought by conventional means.”

The power index offers “an interesting glimpse into an increasingly volatile global landscape where war seems all but an inevitability,” it added.

A perfect power index score is 0.0000, which is realistically unattainable, GFP said, adding that the smaller the power index value the more powerful a nation’s conventional fighting capability is.

The US, which showcases commanding values in many major material, financial, and resource categories, has maintained its place at the top of the GFP index for 18 consecutive years, the survey said.

The US is followed by Russia, which despite Western sanctions, has continued its war against neighboring Ukraine going into 2024. February marks two years since the conflict began.

The top 10 military powers at a glance:

1. The US

Power Index: 0.0699

Total troop size: 2.13 million

2. Russia

Power Index: 0.0702

Total troop size: 3.57 million

3. China

Power Index: 0.0706

Total troop size: 3.17 million

4. India

Power Index: 0.1023

Total troop size: 5.14 million

5. South Korea

Power Index: 0.1416

Total troop size: 3.82 million

6. United Kingdom

Power Index: 0.1443

Total troop size: 1.11 million

7. Japan

Power Index: 0.1601

Total troop size: 0.33 million

8. Turkiye

Power Index: 0.1697

Total troop size: 0.84 million

9. Pakistan

Power Index: 0.1711

Total troop size: 1.70 million

10. Italy

Power Index: 0.1863

Total troop size: 0.29 million

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