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At iCET meet, India and US vow to shore up tech alliance 

NSAs Doval, Sullivan took stock of the developments toward deepening and expanding strategic cooperation across key tech sectors

At iCET meet, India and US vow to shore up tech alliance 
[Source photo: Chetan Jha/Press Insider]

India and the US have agreed to shore up their cooperation in technology at the joint initiative on critical and emerging technology (iCET) meeting in New Delhi this week. 

National security advisor (NSA) Ajit Doval and his American counterpart Jake Sullivan chaired the second meeting of the iCET, which was launched in January last year.

Both leaders took stock of the developments toward deepening and expanding strategic cooperation across key technology sectors, including space, semiconductors, advanced telecommunications, artificial intelligence, quantum, STEM, biotechnology, critical minerals, and clean energy. 

They also recognized the immense potential that is yet to be explored and harnessed in terms of deeper technology cooperation between the two countries in these sectors, a statement by the ministry of external affairs said. 

“Our work also continues to be anchored in a shared commitment to ensuring that technology is designed, developed and deployed in a manner consistent with our democratic values and respect for universal human rights, as well as a recognition that the future security and prosperity of the Indo-Pacific will hinge on the strength of the US-India partnership,” the White House said. 

Doval and Sullivan underscored their commitment to orienting the two countries’ cooperation around breakthrough achievements in priority critical and emerging technology areas, by focusing efforts on co-production, co-development, and research and development (R&D) opportunities. 

They also discussed the vital importance of adapting technology protection toolkits to “prevent the leakage of sensitive and dual-use technologies to countries of concern.”

Besides Doval, key officials from various concerned ministries participated in the meeting. Participants in the meeting from the US side included the deputy secretary of state, director of the National Science Foundation and senior representatives from the US National Security Council, Department of Energy, NASA, NSF, and USAID.

In addition to the G2G iCET meeting, Doval and Sullivan convened an industry roundtable on Tuesday through the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) that brought together industry leaders from both countries, as India and the US seek to mobilize private sector investment and partnerships across strategic technology sectors. 

At the roundtable, Doval said India and the US have to remain at the forefront of technology “in case we need to protect and defend our value systems, and it is part of a larger strategic interest.”

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